Founded in 1878 on the north bank of the Arkansas River, Cimarron is the county seat of Gray County in Southwest Kansas. The town of over 2000 people is located on U.S. Highway 50, which follows the original Santa Fe Trail. Cimarron offers a small-town atmosphere, a variety of thriving businesses, and an award-winning school system.
Our Involvement with the Community
First National Bank is actively involved in both the Cimarron and Ingalls communities and works with several organizations for the betterment of the community. Chief among these are the Rotary Club, Chamber of Commerce, the Lions Club, and county 4-H Clubs. In addition to sponsoring a biscuit and gravy breakfast each summer at the Gray County Fair, bank employees also participate in a number of community activities and projects.
Our Involvement with our Schools
First National Bank in Cimarron is devoted to the youth of our communities and their future success. The bank participates in the Save for America program at both the Cimarron and Ingalls schools. Children in the eligible classes can open savings accounts and make deposits with bank staff each Wednesday morning at the school. The child learns the importance of saving in a school environment. In addition to this program, each year several bank employees visit local elementary and high schools to present educational programs, helping students gain a better understanding of money management. Through activities such as these, First National Bank is building a better tomorrow, one child at a time!